Is Magento 2.0 the Best E-Commerce Platform for My Business?

If there is one community that can sense an opportunity before most others; learns quickly instead of reinventing the wheel, and like rapid return on investment, it is the business community. And that’s why Magento currently powers 250,000 e-commerce sites in the world.

If you are scouting for an e-commerce platform to host your online business, access a host of features to make shopping easy for your customers, and scale rapidly, Magento 2.0 is your answer.

Magento is a CMS written in PHP. It is open-source and comes in three versions, namely, Magento Community Edition which is free, Magento Enterprise Edition which is paid, and Magento Go which is paid and hosted on Magento’s servers. The Community Edition is the most popular version in use.

Here’s why millions of businesses have made Magento their e-commerce platform of choice

  • If your business needs multiple independent websites to be created, Magento lets you do this. It also enables all your website to have their unique look and feel. While these websites attract customers, you can manage them for a single backend system.
  • Magento comes with a host of extensions, plug-ins, and apps that can be easily customized and integrated using the Magento Connect Marketplace. Some of the extensions that users can choose from include analytics, shipping and tracking, payment gateways, and others. The platform also has an extended library that allows users to choose features they would like to have on their website.
  • Magento is modular and users can pick modules they need or even add them later. Some of these include user dashboards, inventory management, shipping, supplier management, and more.
  • Magento CMS can be hosted on any cloud platform, and easily transitioned from one platform to the next. This gives you the flexibility to choose the best platform for you.
  • Though Magento is open source, it is high on security and protects users from online hackers.
  • A good e-commerce platform needs to load fast. Magento gives users the option to cache data and retrieve data in no time using Varnish.
  • Another important ask for any online shopping website is to be mobile-friendly. Magento has a whole bunch of mobile-friendly features which users can drag and drop leverage audiovisuals, and control the screen size so that the site is accessible on mobile and desktops.
  • The platform also has in-built support for languages and currencies.
  • Access built-in SEO tools so that you can be found on a search engine. You can configure the Magento e-commerce platform to offer metadata and descriptions for products and categories, sitemaps for search engines including for Google, create URLs, and more.
  • Know what users are doing on your website, deploy analytics and a tracking tool called Magento Business Intelligence.

If you need to quickly deploy Magento or need to hire an experienced developer, reach us at Navabrind IT Solutions. We have over a decade of experience in B2B and B2C e-commerce, including implementing Magento for clients in the US, Europe, India, and Southeast Asia. You can reach us for consultancy or to hire a Magento developer. We help small and medium e-commerce businesses deploy Magento, Akeneo PIM, and Odoo ERP

We will be glad to schedule an in-depth demo of the various features of Magento you can choose from and discuss implementation processes.

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