Real Estate

Our client is a real estate company with a large presence in South India. They wanted a highly customized ERP to address their specific functional needs.

We implemented open-source Odoo ERP, configuring modules to manage everything from purchasing and planning to execution and distribution. Working under tight deadlines, our team quickly laid the groundwork and successfully implemented Odoo apps, streamlining operations and digitizing processes within a short timeframe.

  • Supply chain
  • CRM
  • Field operations
  • Purchasing
  • Accounting & Invoicing
  • Sales
  • Project management
  • Business intelligence
  • Logistics
  • Workforce management
  • Project management: The client was not using a tool for project monitoring and data handling. The lack of tools to identify risks was a hurdle. The project management module in Odoo effectively enabled the client to plan projects, track timelines, allocate workforce, and monitor project progress.
  • Business intelligence tools: Business intelligence tools which are key to planning, execution, and meeting project deadlines became a key requirement. We implemented the BI module to increase overall business efficiency.
  • Resource and utility management: The need to manage utilities, cost, time, material procurement, and labor was another key challenge for the client. With automation, Odoo optimized resources, reduced waste, and tracked expenses.
  • Supply chain management: Inventory management, material procurement, and efficient vendor collaboration form the crux of a good supply chain. Our team simplified the supply chain for the client with Odoo.
  • Coordination with clients: Managing information and handling client data manually led to mismanaged entries. Odoo’s CRM streamlined, automated, and facilitated smooth client collaboration.
  • Material procurement and inventory management: Tracking inventory from procurement to purchasing was easier with this module. No more manual handling of materials which saved time and cost. Automation ensured the goods were routed through an advanced process. It also helped analyze the understock and overstock of materials for informed decision-making. The Double Entry inventory managed the warehouse better, accurate reports were generated and possibilities of errors were reduced.
  • Purchase management: From sending quotations to maintaining purchase agreements, this module managed purchase decisions. It monitored tenders, automated replenishment, followed up on orders, configured reordering rules, managed vendor bills, and analyzed the performance of the purchases.
  • Business Intelligence: The Business Intelligence module tracked KPIs, and business performance, monitored the growth of different departments associated with the daily tasks of construction, and optimized the tasks thanks to business insights and intelligence strategy.
  • Project management app: The Project management app scheduled deadlines, planned detailed projects, and everyday operational tasks, coordinated with resources, and allocated them with tasks. This enabled the client to track projects for timely completion.
  • Accounting and invoicing: The Accounting module handled the expenses of the business and generated analytical reports. From the cost of materials, travel expenses, vendor bills, payment terms, bank synchronization, and cash registers to electronic invoicing.
  • CRM and estimation: The CRM managed contacts, organized resource activities, tracked prospects and current customers, scheduled appointments, and helped close opportunities. Creating and sending quotations also became easier with a CRM.
  • Logistics: The Logistics module was a key solution implemented for our client. This eased their shipment tracking, optimized routes, and schedules, monitored the cargo loading for maximum efficiency, and generated invoices.
  • Workforce management: As employees are the backbone of the construction industry working in huge numbers on-site, streamlining the workforce becomes crucial. We simplified the recruitment process and helped track attendance and payroll with the HR management module.
  • Sales management: Our client saw an increase in sales with efficient sales order handling, easy quotation sending, generating the right prices with price list features, offers, discounts, order and contract sorting, and end-to-end sales control from proposals to e-signatures which the sales management module provided.
  • Supply chain management: Setting up costs, automated purchasing features and an optimized supply chain from purchase orders management to material requirements planning (MRP) were handled by this module.

Reduced Operational Costs


Increased Sales
